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Toyama Convention Bureau


Japan's Best Support Systems

(1)Support from Toyama Prefecture
(2)Support from Municipalities
(3)Support from the Toyama
     Convention Bureau

Maximum amount of subsidies: 

13,300,000 yen

1. Subsidy Systems for International Conferences

(1)Support from Toyama Prefecture

Maximum Subsidy Amount: 8,000,000 yen


・  Conferences with participants from outside Toyama staying for a total of 20 or more nights (provided that there are 10 or more participants from abroad who are not Japanese nationals and a total of 20 or more participants)

・  Must receive subsidies for holding the event from municipalities or tourism associations

・  Exhibitions, trade shows, sports tournaments, events, concerts or similar events are excluded

・  For-profit events or events with strong political or religious orientations are excluded

*However, the maximum amount is limited to double the amount of subsidies received from municipalities or tourism associations.

*Conventions subsidized by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science may receive a separate maximum amount of 1,000,000 yen in addition to the subsidy amount outlined below. (Please contact us for more information.)

The final subsidy amounts will be determined based on the charts below. Please select one of the following ways to determine the subsidy amount.

<Amount of Subsidies>

<1: Certifications issued by hotels>
Applicants are required to submit certifications issued by hotels showing the number of overnight guests.

  Subsidy Amount
(unit: JPY in thousands)
Total number of nights spent by
participants from outside Toyama
20-99 nights 100
100-199 nights 200
200-299 nights 400
300-399 nights 600
400-499 nights 800
500-599 nights 1,000
600-999 nights 1,200
1,000-1,499 nights 1,400
1,500-1,999 nights 1,600
2,000-2,500 nights 2,000
2,501-3,000 nights 3,000
3,001-3,500 nights 4,200
3,501-4,000 nights 5,200
4,001+ nights 7,000

<Amount of Subsidies>

<2: List of participants>
Applicants are required to submit a list of participants. 

  Subsidy Amount
(unit: JPY in thousands)
Total number of
Prticipants from outside Toyama



than 5days
20-99 100 140 190 240
100-199 180 280 380 480
200-299 360 560 760 960
300-399 540 840 1,140 1,440
400-499 720 1,120 1,520 1,920
500-599 900 1,400 1,900 2,400
600-999 1,080 1,680 2,280 2,880
1,000-1,499 1,260 1,960 2,660 3,360
1,500-1,999 1,440 2,240 3,040 3,840
2,000-2,500 1,800 2,800 3,800 4,800
2,501-3,000 2,700 4,200 5,700 7,000
3,001-3,500 3,780 5,880 7,000 7,000
3,501-4,000 4,680 7,000 7,000 7,000
4,001+ 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000

(2)Support from Toyama City

Maximum Subsidy Amount: 5,000,000 yen


・  Conferences held at convention centers in Toyama City

・  Conferences with 100 or more participants from outside the prefecture and held over two or more days, or conferences with 50 or more participants from outside Toyama and held over 3 or more days

・  Exhibitions, trade shows, sports tournaments, events, concerts or similar events are excluded

・  For-profit events or events with strong political or religious orientations are excluded

 <Amount of Subsidies>
Number of participants
from outside the
Subsidy amount (unit: JPY in thousands)
2 days 3 or more days Maximum
50~99   150

100~199 150 250
200~299 250 350
300~399 350 450
400~499 450 650
500~749 650 1,000
750~999 1,000 1,500
1,000~1,499 1,500 2,000
1,500~2,499 2,000 3,000
2,500~3,499 3,000 4,000
3,500~4,499 4,000 5,000
4,500 over 5,000 5,000

The amount obtained by multiplying the number of participants from abroad who are not Japanese nationals, the number of days the conference is held and 5,000 yen will be added to the above amount.

*Municipalities other than Toyama City also have subsidy systems.

 (3) Financial Support from the Toyama Convention Bureau

Convention with accommodation on a regional, national, or international-scale in the Chuburegion, or larger.

*Excluding sports tournaments, exhibitions, events, etc.

(unit: JPY in thousands)

Assistance Eligibility Subsidy
①Transportation for Excursions within
the Prefecture
When buses and other modes of transportation are chartered to tour around Toyama Within 1/2
100 Up to a total
②Local Traditional
Performing Arts
When traditional performance arts of Toyama Prefecture are presented at social gatherings or other events
③Shuttle Bus
When shuttle bus services are provided between
the venue and stations, airports, etc.
④Temporary Staffing Services When the temporary help services of childcare workers, nurses, interpreters, etc. are used 50
⑤Utilization of
Unique Venues
When unique venues are used at conventions 100

*NOTE: Please consult with us about 3 months in advance as the assistance will be provided within the budgeted amount.

2. Convention Volunteer Dispatch Services

For Regional-scale or larger (300+ participants and 100+ out-of-prefecture participants), or international-scale


・Setting up an on-site information desk and dispathing convention
volunteers to provide tourist information and various other requests

*NOTE: Please contact us at least 2 months in advance to make arrangements.

Information Desk

3. Other Support Services

・Intorducing venues and accommodations
・Displaying welcome posters at Toyama Airport and JR Toyama Station
・Providing restaurant maps and convention bags

Welcome posters at Toyama Airport
and JR Toyama Station

Restaurant Guide(PDF)

Toyama Guide Map(PDF)

Toyama City Guide Map

Convention Bag